Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One Day at a Time

I was intrigued the other day by a guy at an AA meeting that I went to. There were a few sobriety birthday, one guy for 25 years and another with 9 months. After we got started sharing one guy stated how 9 months is a lot more significant than 25 years. He mentioned that after 25 years you've probably forgotten how to drink.

I seriously doubt that any alcoholic or drug addict has forgotten how to use or where to get their drugs. I certainly haven't, but then again I haven't been clean that long. When I really sit down and think about it- I don't think I have the time nor energy to use again. I can't believe some of the things I would do to get more drugs- scam all kinds of doctors, scam my friends, family, steal from people- I would have done anything. I was crawling around like an animal. I am grateful for where I am today. Its a day by day process. I've met people in recovery who were sober for 20 years and then relapsed. I learn from my friends in recovery. I know I need to work my program if I am going to stay clean and sober. I am grateful for all of you. If you are reading this- please post your experiences. I need them more than you think.



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